22 Optional: Installing firmware and/or microcode.19.7 Optional: Configure the ACCEPT_LICENSE variable.19.2 Optional: Updating the Gentoo ebuild repository.19.1 Installing a Gentoo ebuild repository snapshot from the web.
18.3 Mounting the necessary filesystems. 13.3 Applying a filesystem to a partition. 12.2 Creating a new disklabel / removing all partitions. 12.1 Viewing the current partition layout. 12 Partitioning the disk with MBR for BIOS / legacy boot. 11.3 Creating the EFI system partition (ESP). 11.2 Creating a new disklabel / removing all partitions. 11.1 Viewing the current partition layout. 11 Partitioning the disk with GPT for UEFI.
10.3 What is the EFI System Partition (ESP)?.9.2.2 Master boot record (MBR) or DOS boot sector.8.1 Loading the appropriate network kernel modules.5.4 Optional: Viewing documentation while installing.
4.3.1 Burning with Microsoft Windows 7 and above. 4.2.1 Microsoft Windows based verification.